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Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to review our frequently asked questions.

Why do you limit your services to Ophthalmology?

As the old adage goes, “You don’t become an expert by doing 4,000 things – you become an expert by doing 10 things 4000 times.”

Where is your corporate headquarters?

Focused Medical Billing is based out of Long Island, NY.

If I decided to hire Focused Medical Billing, how long can expect to wait before I see results?

For “clean claims” our clients see results after our first month of billing. For older claims and denials, the insurance companies take a bit longer.

Do I have to commit to using Focused Medical Billing long term or for any predetermined amount of time?

At Focused Medical Billing, we never require a long term commitment. We are confident the increased revenue your practice enjoys is better than any contract you can sign.

Will I have someone available to me who is familiar with my account whenever I have questions?

The most common fear about outsourced billing is transparency. Doctors are afraid to put their income in someone’s hand that they can’t see every day in the office. Through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) our billing experts will work in your system so you can see every transaction that occurs and every dollar that comes in. Furthermore, your practice will have a dedicated account representative and our President/CEO Allison May personally oversees every account.